Publications and Services

Publications and services from Nixene Publishing provide you with clear and concise, unbiased analysis of graphene-related information – focusing on the science, not hype.

Graphene research and its astounding, ongoing discoveries will keep current researchers busy their entire careers, according to Professor Sir Andre Geim in his interview conducted at the GEIC in January 2020, with Nixene Editor-in-Chief Adrian Nixon

  1. Nixene Journal – digital edition, by subscription or single copy, bringing the world’s graphene intelligence to your inbox once per month.
  2. Special Edition Journals digital or print edition in Nixene Journal style,  three types. Tailored to a specific topic or customized for your industry. Designed for high-value marketing, conferences, or special events.

Here is a quick preview (29 second video), of a selection of Special Editions, each designed for an event. These publications are *evergreen* – the analysis does not expire. The contents remain useful and helpful graphene information and research.

3. Global Commercialisation ReportWe maintain a watching brief on the commercial development of products featuring various forms of graphene. Our current research has identified the organisations worldwide that are capable of producing graphene-enhanced products. This global manufacturing overview identifies each manufacturer and the products they are making.

BONUS! Free Downloadables 

Workshops conducted by our team members, Adrian Nixon and Rob Whieldon will provide clarity from complexity of the graphene industry. They will explain how specific graphene applications will benefit your organization or company.

Mini-Workshops are suitable for a brief yet concise overview of graphene topics related to your particular interests.

Consultation is available in two ways: Become a subscriber or contact us regarding a customized consultation package.

Design Your Own Package: Contact us today! Our team is ready to develop packages specific to your needs.  Allow us to work with you to design an ideal publications and services package for your purposes. We would be delighted to hear from you.

Nixene Publishing offers high-quality, ever-evolving, invaluable graphene information.

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